Who builds and films the most astonishing and creative Rube Goldberg / Robert Storm Petersen chain reaction? Let's build ONE BIG CROSS BORDER EUROPEAN CHAIN REACTION!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Hi from Zadar, an ancient, 3 thousand old Mediterrannean beauty on the Adriatic coast. The main part of Zadar is our peninsula that is surrounded by medieval walls.

Apart from many churches, museums, galleries...there are two modern tourist attractions: 'Greetings to the sun' and 'Sea organs' (music is produced by the waves).

Our Bartula kasica Primary school is situated in the suburbs of Zadar. There are about one thousand students (aged 7 to 4) who attend school in 2 shifts.They teach English as the first foreign language from the first grade, but can choose Italian or German in the grade 4.

We are happy to offer our pupils the chance to meet their international pals through many eTwinning projects we take part in as much as by taking part in Comenius Project.

Our school web address is: http://os-bkasica-zadar.skole.hr/